According to the World Press Freedom Index 2024 report, released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Malaysia’s score stands at 52.07. This position is a nosedive by 34 notches to the 107th position from the 73rd spot last year. Minister of Communications Fahmi Fadzil cannot dodge responsibility as the deteriorating results of media freedoms in our country under the Malaysia Madani government needs to be seriously addressed.

It is necessary for Minister Fahmi to step forward to explain why Malaysia's press freedom index has sharply declined and whether this implies that freedom of speech and media freedoms in our country have 'breathed their last'.

Two questions need to be raised regarding this matter.

Firstly, should the government categorise this report as defamation as it is unfavourable to the government?

Secondly, what measures will the government take to arrest the worsening problem of the fall in press freedoms ranking?

While the media should objectively and neutrally report on issues; the government should give also allow media practitioners enough space and freedom to write articles or publish publications. The government should not interfere with the media, let alone guide them to hold interviews which are clearly intended to one-sidedly favour one party. Assessment of the interviewee is best left to the public.

If there are inaccuracies, errors or defamatory contents, the media can be requested to correct and publicly apologise, or take legal action when necessary, instead of being asked to alter the content of publications according one-sided preferences.

We are concerned that if this issue is not properly addressed, there may come a day when people will no longer read the news because the news will be overly biased towards the government, and news critical of the government will also be blocked or retracted.

Media practitioners have an absolute responsibility to adhere to their own media code of ethics and principles, report the news truthfully, objectively, and transparently. Aren’t media freedoms and freedom of speech also one of the promises that the Pakatan coalition has long fought for?

Mike Chong Yew Chuan
MCA National Youth Deputy Chairman
MCA Information Deputy Chief

5 May 2024

-MCA Comm-